Episode 32 Cal/Kal along

 Thank yous: Thank you to everyone foe the youtube comments, thank you to The Turboknitter for the iTunes comment.

Admin: Happy birthday to everyone who had birthday in May

. Should I continue with my segment Men in the fiber arts?

. Summer Object Along May 31,201- Sept 23,2014
RULES: It has to be crochet or knit, you can all ready be working on the project, here are just some ideas for the kal/cal sun hat,washcloth,dishcloth,tea/dishtowel,squares,blocks,scarves,cowls,shawletts,socks,mitts,hats, ties,bows,bowties, headbands,toys but no bigger then 6 inches however I'm not going to measure them or make you do that if they are little bigger that is okay. These are just some ideas if you are not sure if it's okay for the along just contact me, If you are group or podcast that wants to join along contact me as well, you can dip in as many other groups as you want to as long as it's okay in their rules. for WIPS you can post 1 photo per-week of all your wips and please post your finished objects of course chatter in the thread is always welcome.

Finished Objects: AA 2014 cowl Monster cowl http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/monster-cowl-2 this is paid for patter by Julia Allen

Works in Progress: Vanilla Latte Socks http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vanilla-latte-socks free pattern by Virginia Rose-Jeanes
Father Time Cowl http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/father-time-cowl free pattern by:Steven Fegert


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